redOx⇌KCL Team

Dr Antoine Wallabrègue
Dr Antoine Wallabrègue
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Antoine completed his Ph.D. at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) under the supervision of Prof. Jerome Lacour, developing and applying tunable dyes and fluorophores such as the first pH-sensitive fluorophore selective to late endosomes (a major trafficking hub in the cell at the crossroads between endocytosis, autophagy, and degradation in lysosomes). After this, he moved to the FMP in Berlin (Germany) for a first post-doctoral stay in the groups of Prof. Christian Hackenberger and Dr. Fan Liu. There he established novel chemical tools including, intracellularly cleavable cell-penetrating peptides for the targeted delivery of functional proteins and, the first enrichable and MS-cleavable cross-linkers for the study of protein interactomes and conformations in solution, using cross-linking-MS. Recently, Antoine joined the University of Oxford as a postdoctoral fellow of the redOxKCL programme. He is currently developing fluorogenic probes to image cellular REDOX components with a particular interest in hypoxia and REDOX enzymes.